Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Maybe facing a court case.?

i have made complaints to the council and animal welfare,regarding a primate sanctuary, which is really terrible. for some reason they have been given a good report from inspectors. i have now had a letter from their solicitor, telling me that if i do not retract my complaint then they will prosecute me.i do not know how they got hold of my details as i only gave them to the council.even their solicitor stated to me, that my details should not have been divulged.
I would not worry, From what you have said they have absolutely no legal grounds to bring any claim against you whatsoever.
Prosecute you for what?
Go to your local CAB and get advise
if your complaint is genuine and not malicious then they wont have a leg to stand on. what are they proecuting for? did you make your complaint public? they are trying to scare and intimidate you.now thats not legal!
I would get the backing of some of the Animal Wellfare charities - try www.animalaid.co.uk

Or contact your local animals rights group, as they would properly be able to recommend a solicitor who specialises in this area

Good luck
If you complaint is valid and based on fact that can be documented then you have nothing to worry about.
They could only have got it from the council, phone the council and see what they have got to say about it, and demand the truth,
Complain to your local councillor and if necessary your M.P.
If that fails inform your M E P ( address in the telephone directory) what has happened, it is an infringement of your human rights by someone in the council and an investigation should be carried out.
You are not the first person to have their details revealed to a third party by either a council employee or a councillor.

Don't answer the letter from the solicitor until you have pursued this matter through the above channels.

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