the cultivating was dropped and he plead guilty to sales and child endangerment, what are the chances of him getting any visitation with his kids
About freakin' zero. And a good thing.
Class act of a boyfriend you have there.
Geez. Get a grip. Who says weed isn't wack?
a father will almost always get visitaion with his chld except in the case of child molestation and even then in a lot of cases
The court will probably require him to complete a drug treatment program and supervised visitation before allowing him to have unsupervised visitation with them.
I seriously doubt that any court will completely strip him of any type of visitation.
None. Especially after he had plead guilty to both.
It depends, his son may get to visit him in jail and when
he gets out he may get supervised visits.
You should be seeing a big RED flag, is this what you want?
a man that not only smokes marijuana but sells it as well?
I realize that love is blind but it doesn't have to be stupid.
You need to have a serious talk with your boyfriend and
get him to stop selling drugs (actually he should stop
smoking it as well because if he is caught with it again
he may face the same charges again). Or you need
to be willing to have separations from him while he
spends time in jail.
Try to get him to change his ways, I hate it when guys
do something fairly petty and screw up their lives and
the lives of those that love him.
Molly J - I seriously think it's about time that you started seeing other guys. This guy is a loser - get over him and expand your horizons.
He probally just has to go through some kind of treatment program. I know of people and their kids getting busted with alot harsher things than weed.. It depends on the degree of endangerment, age of the kid, and pretty much how the judge feels that day. He will probally have to have supervised visits for awhile. But in some cases, they hold it kind of like a contributing to minors case. Even though its illegal know matter how old you are. Now as far as the son living in the same household, well, sorry but I dont think that will happen anytime soon because they will still look at the cultivation even though not charged with it.
I see that you are asking this question over and over, hoping that a felony child endangerment charge won't hurt your boyfriend or your visitation rights.
A person who pleads guilty to felony child endangerment may be able to have visitation with his/her children. There is a strong public policy in our courts to try and keep children in contact with their parents. But the offending parent will have to successfully complete his or her sentence and may have additional restrictions placed on visitation. For example, the court may order only supervised visitation in a neutral location so that there is no danger that the child will be exposed to the same problems that led to the felony charge in the first place.
But--I hate offering you any hope. This man had no problem breaking the law, risking imprisonment, and then introduced his own child to drug abuse. And you stand by him! This guy is a loser, and you will be lost as well if you don't get out now.
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