Saturday, October 24, 2009

Leftys, is Justice Clarence Thomas an Uncle Tom for his principled rulings on the Supreme Court?

I say he's recovered quite nicely from the Anita Hill smear job and done an outstanding job on the Court.
Any black that leaves the LIBERAL plantation must be tarred and feathered.

We can't have blacks thinking independently like all the other races.
How dare someone break from our bonds a slavery and actually read the Constitution, then interpret it with a working brain.

pssst besides you know he is not really black don't you? it is a trick the republicans orchestrated years ago.
Since I'm not a lefty, maybe I shouldn't answer your question. But I'll do so anyway.

I think that ALL Supreme Court Justices have been corrupted by the power of the institution they serve in. I don't think anyone can avoid the temptations of that power any more.

And stealing a presidential election is anything but principled.
No he is just an idiot. Read some of this writings. Four justices will be arguing the state law violates equal protection clause of 14th amdendment four will be arguing it doesn't and he will have a concurrence based on 3rd amdendment.

You know you are in for real drivel when you have an 8-1 decision with Scalia writing for the majority and a Thomas dissent.

I have read opinions where both Thomas and Scalia dissented. Disagreed with both of them. But Scalia's dissent had a logic and basis to it, but Thomas is just non-sense.

I don't accuse him of being an Uncle Tom. But Bush Sr. set out to find a very conservative black jurist. That is a very small pool, because most black jurists are liberal. So Bush either need to abandon his goal of a black ultra-conservative or take the only one he could find. Quite frankly he took an idiot.

I often disagree with the justice's opinions. But Thomas is the only one who doesn't belong on the court.

As for Hill. I beleive her. But he is still pouting over it and will not cooperate with other justices or the senate because he feels slighted.

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