Saturday, October 24, 2009

Leftys, you STILL think Killer Mumia is innocent?

I thought you finally gave up the ghost on this one but I was wrong.

I gotta pay Mumia a compliment, though. He has a gift of gab that was clearly more than sufficient to rope in the useful idiots.
A true sociopath who belongs in prison for the rest of his natural life rather than be put to death. Mumia cares about himself and no one else but too many celebrities have taken on his cause. Mumia is no victim - just a sociopath.
Asa Democrat I cannot stand the people who waste time on this cop killer

This is what makes the left look bad supporting murderers like this
no just a waist of it all.
They'll never give this up---And we will never give up OUR fight to see that Mumia is punished for his execution of the execution of that police officer! We can protest as long and as loud as they can! They will NEVER WIN!!! NEVER!!!
You have think (oh that hurts!) like a liberal. Mumia is a cute name... he is black... he has really great hair... he killed whites... he killed cops... and he is famous (celebrity is God-like to liberals)... and other famous people want him to go free... so of course he must be set free.
I'm a liberal and I think he's guilty as sin
I'm Liberal. I worked in Philadelphia at the time so I was closer to the information. I have no doubt that he's guilty as sin. Stop generalizing. Stop thinking up tedious old ways to beat up on Liberals. You're wasting your time.

The Founding Fathers were Liberal.
Sometimes people are in jail when maybe they should not be. I am not real current on Mumias case but i do know that a Tribal clan kin of mine is still in prison for simply defending himself against this government. His name is Leonard Peltier. Look him up.

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