Saturday, October 24, 2009

Legal Advice on Drinking Violation-Michigan?

My best friend is 6 months from being 21 yrs of age and she honestly is very responsible and does not drink often. Unfortunately she was caught drinking at a small shindig by the police. She blew a .06 which is under the legal limit to drive if she was 21. This would be her first offense and has no prior charges. She is scared that she will get screwed with a full year of probation and is wondering if she should get a lawyer. Keep in mind she lives in Michigan and there is no tolerance there and she was caught while visiting a very wealthy part of the state. Shes afraid all of those details will be a major component in her sentencing. Any advice? Thank you!
if she was driving shes screwed because of the no tolerance law and because she is illegal drinking and driving she might go to jail i dont think there will b just probation im sure there will b jail time because of her being under age hope that helps
It will get dropped to M.I.P. which just means it was on her but she did not drink it. A lawyer can get this done for sure but depending on the court they may just change it for the clean record. No jail time for sure but maybe community service.
hi, I lived in michigan for 35 yrs and unfortunatly experienced 2 dui offences. Allthough they were in the early 90's. I'm not sure she was driving or not but your friend should be scared and should count on probation and possibly loosing her license for 30 days and having a work restricted for 90 days if she was driving. It varies county to county but as i say they do not take it lightly as they shouldnt. Tell her to attend some aa meetings and such before court and be sure to tell the judge she has done so. being proactive about the situation will go a long way sometimes.

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