Saturday, October 24, 2009

Legal age of consent in ohio is it 16?

Ok here is the story. a girl who is 16 is pregnant by her boss at work who is 26 and married. the police were called and they said they could do nothing because the girl in question is 16 and that is the legal age of consent in ohio. is this true? or can anything be done and how should you go about it?
Yes, the age of consent in OH is 16 years.

搂 2907.04. Unlawful sexual conduct with minor
搂 2907.06. Sexual imposition
搂 2907.07. Importuning

True, whether you view the first code, the second one or the third one, all pretty much say that age 16 is the age of consent. But as you know there are always other ways to view things and the courts will do that at time. For instance, the girl who you know (I assume you know this person?) who is 16 and pregnant by her married boss: did she JUST turn 16 or is almost 17? How far in the pregnancy is she? Basically you want to figure out if she was still 16 when she first became pregnant or if she was 15 when she first became 'with child' then turned 16 recently.
Her parents can do something about it, if she knows who they are. Age of consent is 16 for girls, 14 for boys.ask any preist, they know about both sides of the issue.
This is a serious issue. Does a 16 year old have the mental and emotional capacity to make decisions about her body and her lifestyle. There definitely are SOME 16 year olds who do, and who know how to manipulate men. One can't always blame the man. After all, most of us are hostage to our organs( and not the ones in chuch-well maybe some churches).

Each case needs individual consideration.

I served on a jury where we sentenced the offender to life in prison for Aggravated sexual assault and abuse of children-ages 8 thru 12. But at 16, the issue is less clear.
Does she have parents or guardians? They must press charges of statutory rape-- no one else can. The police don't handle it, the prosecuting attorney does, usually found by the police station or City Hall.

If nothing else, perhaps they can ask for a restraining order and keep the two apart.
That is true. nDifferent states have different laws on the age of consent. The only thing that can be done about it now is to have a DNA to prove to this low morals man that this is his child and sock it to him for child support. This mother will need more child support than just the care of pampers and formula too. The young mother will need to continue her education to be able to support the child so she will need enough money to get child care as well as everything else needed for the child while she attends her education. You can talk to your states AG (Attorney General's) office to see if there is any way you can bring a civil suit against this man. Very gray area there as even though the age of consent is 16 the man should have known better than to have sex without protection and put this girl in harms way with a pregnancy. That man will also need to pay for the medical costs of the Dr check ups, birthing and the follow ups afterwords. If your state allows it, have her parents file a law suit for a civil suit and get cracking on it all now! Courts are notoriously slow and this baby wont wait to be born until it is all figured out. It does not cost you anything to get an initial consultaion with an attorney who works in family law. Maybe you could get an appointment with one this week to see what your options are - be sure to tell that attorney that you want the court and attorney fees all added to this man's bill too.
Best of luck and I am sorry you had to find out about the age of consent the hard way!
I am assuming the police told you the truth about the age for criminal sanctions.

However, he is liable for next 18 year to pay child support. Also she has an execelent sexual harassment suit.

She and her parents should take to an atty.
It's 16.
Sorry but I think if a person at the age of 16 is considered capable of obtaining a drivers license and being responsible enough to operate a 2+ ton automobile on the streets they should be responsible enough to understand sex. They learn enough about sex in school to understand the consequences. They learn less about driving a vehicle when they obtain a drivers license. Otherwise if they are considered unable or unfit to engage in sexual acts due to maturity issues then I don't want them on the same streets I drive on.

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