Saturday, October 24, 2009

Legal Matters?

I am stuck in a situation! Me and my ex fiance' were together for 4 years lived together for 3 years. I need help as to what actions and rights i have! All my stuff is still in his house i am working on getting it out. He wants to argue with me as to what is who's! Mostly everything in the house is mine. He is mad because my family is getting ivolved only because he is screwing me out of $600, like an idiot i signed my truck over to his brother without him paying us, not knowing we would end up breaking up 2 months later. He used the money to pay for his bills, i didn't recieve a dime out of it, and now that we aren't together i want my money. is there anything i can do about it? is it my word against his? help!
All you need is physical evidence like receipts of the belongings in the house, that way you get to prove that most of the stuff in his house is yours. I think you might have to go to civil court in order to obtain your personal property. As for the truck, you said you signed it over to his bro, which means u signed the title of the truck as well?? If you still have the title of the car in your hands, then there's a high chance that you might get it back. A word of advice: never move in with a guy whom you are not married to, this happens a lot, and ends in a bitter dispute, hope it was a lesson learned. Good luck.
if u can prove that the contents of the house is yours call the police they will escort u to remove it. if not talk to ur brothers and cousins they might have a heart to heart talk with him. as for the money take him to small claims court and see what a judge says
You need to get an attorney. If you tell him that your attorney is going to be in contact with him, he may be scared enough to just let you get all your stuff. But I would seek counsel on this. Good luck. :)
try to back it up with proof! receipts or what not!
all else fails you can take him to small claims court!
Tell him you want money or your stuff back!
and if he does not comply with in 1 week you will take further legal action!
better yet have a lawyer right it out on their legal head and have your lawyer send it out!
I'm lucky to have a friend lawyer so try to find one that will do you this favor!
Best wishes!
sounds like you may need to sue in small claims, but you will need proof you bought the items you are trying to get,
You can contact the police to remove your belongings .They will go with you to maintain the peace. As to the truck unless you have a signed agreement saying he would pay you x amount of dollars you have no leg to stand on unless you can get him or your ex-boyfriend to admit it was signed over in return for payment. T4

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